It is hard to imagine an organization helping out two struggling populations of individuals in such a unique and rewarding way. Meet Puppies Behind Bars. By empowering inmates through the painstaking task of training service dogs PBB helps inmates gain confidence and...
Men and women who perform valiantly in the face of the enemy are not the only military personnel who should be awarded for their courage. This thought is what drove Maria Dickin to establish the Dickin medal through her veterinary charity the People’s Dispensary for...
Steven Cohen, head of Point72 Asset Management, has pledged $275 million to build clinics offering free mental health care to veterans and their families. Thanks to the generous pledge, 20 to 25 clinics will be built across the country in the next three to five years....
The Fisher House Foundation works in partnership with the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide free housing on site at military and VA hospitals. These “comfort homes” allow families to stay close to their loved ones in their time of...
As 2015 drew to a close, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act to appropriate funds for military spending in 2016. Although it is a standard and often uneventful peace of legislation, the act came with a special Christmas gift for military...
Benefits of Donating your Used Car: • Helping those in need Donating a used car provides a valuable source of donations to charities. Through services like V-DAC you can choose a charity that you believe in to guarantee your money is going directly to a worthy cause....